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Reviewing Reports at Desk


All services are customized to meet your unique situation

Set up your FREE, no obligation consultation to learn more about

how a forensic accountant can help you save money

insurance claims

It is estimated that insurance Fraud steals >$300 billion from American consumers each year. But what about legitimate insurance claims that are simply inflated? An insurance claim involves money. Financial and bank statements, tax returns, etc. tell me the story behind that money. I have investigated hundreds of cases and reduced initial claims by an average of 60%.


Let's work together and improve your loss ratio and save your policyholders money.


Have you noticed something suspicious or irregular when working on your financials? I will examine every aspect of your accounting processes and talk with your staff directly when a question arises. I have a unique ability to sense deception and identify it in your revenue tracking.

deep dive

Do you have an embezzler in your midst? Does something feel "off" to you? Trust your instincts, you are probably correct. Maybe you already see deception in your revenue accounts and don't know what to do next? I will perform a deep dive into all financial aspects of your organization and explain the options you have to move forward.


As a subject matter expert on Fraud, I have given presentations on Fraud and Fraud detection to business leaders and law enforcement across the country. Let me help you inform your organization about the risks of fraud and how to keep an eye out for financial deception. Any organization that manages money or is charged with enforcing laws to protect the public against fraud will benefit from this presentation.


A financial examination may include: 

  • Review of Tax Returns

  • Invoicing

  • Inventory

  • Payroll Processing

  • Bookkeeping Services

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Accounts Payable

  • Financial Reporting
  • Cash Flow Forecasting
  • Forecasts
  • Budgets
  • Management of Expenses
  • Billing, Payments, and Revenues
  • Consulting Services
  • DCAA Compliance

  • Ratio Analysis

  • Revenue Growth Tracking

  • KPI Tracking

  • Burn Rate & Financial Ratio Analysis

  • Financial Records Audit

  • Tax Compliance

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