When we think about fraud, we often picture financial fraud of one kind or another. You might assume that money would have to be invented before fraud became an issue. But the act of fraud is as old as intelligence itself. A nesting bird feigns a broken wing to lure predators away from the nest. A dishonest merchant places a thumb on the scales when weighing out goods. In the Middle Ages, traders combined valuable spices with fillers like ground nutshells and seeds to increase their supply. It seems no era is free from the practice of deception for personal benefit.1

Businesses and insurance firms alike are requiring greater numbers of specialists who can combine accounting prowess with legal and IT expertise to uncover and assess financial irregularities.
Forensic accountants improve internal controls over financial processes helping to reduce risk of future exploitation. Fraud within an organization can cause irreputable damage and forensic accountants can restore the character of a company that has suffered damage to their reputation.
1 https://www.trulioo.com/blog/fraud-prevention/history-fraud