Alaska During a routine audit, the office burned to the ground. I subsequently uncovered >$3 million of inflated profits that had been used to cover poor operating results and qualify management for additional bonus.
Louisiana While performing a standard accounts payable audit, I questioned the bookkeeper on a minor item I saw on a check copy. She burst into tears. That led me to find a money laundering scheme that approached $2 million.
North Carolina During a routine audit of an insurance company by the Department of Insurance, the Claims Manager committed suicide. With that as a starting point, I pieced together a Fraud that approached $3 million.
North Carolina A contractor claimed that he had $900,000 of equipment stolen. I determined that he submitted altered bank documents, (a felony), in support of his claim. The claim was denied.
Texas Local management had a special bonus arrangement. If sales hit a stretch target by December 31, three executives would split a bonus of $1 million. I found hundreds of thousands of dollars of fraudulent sales that allowed them to hit the target.
California I was auditing a financial services company that maintained large amounts of fiduciary funds, (funds held in trust for others). When I compared their obligations to cash on hand, they were $30 million short.
These are examples of some of my discoveries. What can I find for you?